Bitcoin kopen



Bitcoin is een monetair technologische uitvinding die als een protocol werkt. Een protocol kan gezien worden als een computertaal en het gaat hier om het geheel van regels die in de broncode zijn vastgelegd voor de uitwisseling van gegevens en het bereiken van een netwerk consensus op basis van de gebruikte technologie die dit mogelijk maakt. Elke deelnemer die zich aansluit op het Bitcoin netwerk accepteert automatisch het protocol om te kunnen communiceren met andere deelnemers van het netwerk. Het kan als een monetair protocol worden gezien als een belangrijke toevoeging op het internet protocol. Het wordt ook wel ” Money over IP (MOIP)” genoemd; echter ”Gold over IP (GOIP)” is meer passend.

Het Bitcoin netwerk en protocol is programmeerbaar en constant in ontwikkeling. Het is een open-source software project waar ontwikkelaars, meestal op vrijwillige basis aan werken. Elk jaar wordt er met bitcoin technologisch vooruitgang gemaakt waardoor het beter en veiliger werkt als een betalingsnetwerk en ook programmeerplatform. Het is een van de belangrijkste technologische doorbraken in de geschiedenis van de mensheid. Inderdaad, Bitcoin is een technologische doorbraak op het gebied van computerwetenschappen, geld en gedistribueerde blockchain technologie. 

Bitcoin technologie

Hieronder kun je een document lezen over de technologische richtingen en implementaties Bitcoin kan krijgen. Het document is opgesteld door Rusty Russell van Blockstream. We beginnen met een video waar je hem aan het woord ziet over

Bitcoin protocol – Future Technological Directions in Bitcoin


Alleen al door het kijken van deze presentatie zul je beseffen dat het kopen van Bitcoin een lange termijn investering is. Een investering  in een uniek financieel technologisch project in de geschiedenis van de mensheid. Voor meer  informatie:



  1. Future Technological Directions in Bitcoin
  2. Introduction
  3. Background: Bitcoin
  4. Consensus Protocol Improvements
  5. Segregated Witness
  6. Segwit Bech32 Addresses
  7. MAST
  8. Taproot
  9. Signature aggregation (Schnorr signatures)
  10. Scriptless Scripts
  11. Simplicity
  12. Covenants
  13. Confidential Transactions
  14. Client-side validation
  15. UTXO commitments
  16. UTXO Proofs
  17. TXO commitments
  18. Fraud proofs
  19. Peer Protocol Improvements
  20. TXO bitfields
  21. Rolling UTXO Set Hashes
  22. Dandelion
  23. Neutrino (BIP 157/158)
  24. Transaction compression
  25. Set reconciliation for transaction relay
  26. Block Template Delta Compression
  28. Peer authentication and peer encryption (bip150 and bip151)
  29. TODO section
  30. Forks
  31. Implementation Improvements
  32. Coinjoin/Zerolink/Coinshuffle++
  33. Layer 2

Introduction Bitcoin protocol and technology

This is a document on coming bitcoin tech improvements and research.  It does not cover non-bitcoin projects (eg. Mimblewimble, ZCash, Ethereum) though much which applies here could be applied to those systems too.

The upcoming Bitcoin improvements fall under a few rough categories:

  1. Implementation improvements, ie. better code.
  2. Peer protocol improvements, ie. better communications between nodes.
  3. Consensus protocol improvements, ie. backwards-compatible upgrades to Bitcoin’s blockchain itself aka “soft forks”.
  4. Fork consensus issues, ie. new upgrade methods, and non-backwards-compatible changes aka “hard forks”.
  5. Things built on top of bitcoin, ie. “Layer 2” protocols and projects.

These are not mutually exclusive: some peer protocol improvements would be more effective with consensus changes, and some layer 2 uses require consensus changes.  Where possible, I cover the consensus idea before its usage.

Background: Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a ledger of inputs and outputs.  Each output says how it can be spent, using a stack-based scripting language with cryptographic primitives (eg. OP_CHECKSIG).  The classic output script is a simple “<key> OP_CHECKSIG” which would be spent with the input “<signature>” which signs the spending transaction with the given key.

Modern practice is not to place the output script itself in the output (where it has to be remembered until it’s spent) but place a hash of the script, so-called Pay-to-Script-Hash, and have the actual script be the last item in the input.  That takes more space for the moment when it’s being spent, but less before it’s spent, and potentially less after it’s validated (as it can be discarded).  The set of unspent transaction outputs is called the UTXO set, and keeping it small is considered a critical long-term scaling issue as it needs to be constantly looked up for validation.

Consensus Protocol Improvements – Segregated Witness

Status: Deployed


I won’t go into the details of this significant simplification, but the important change is that Bitcoin scripts are now versioned.  Only version 0 is defined so far (basically identical to classic Bitcoin scripting), but future versions can be completely different if we want.  All current upgrades involve changing one of the NOP opcodes, but they have to be changed to opcodes of simple form “fail unless this condition is true”, eg OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY.  They can’t consume or add to the stack, since that would allow creating scripts which would fail previously, and will now pass: that’s a backwards-incompatible change!

For some changes, this restriction doesn’t matter, so I expect NOP-upgrades to continue until there’s a compelling reason to introduce v1.  But the door is now open when we need it.

Bitcoin protocol – Segwit Bech32 Addresses

These look like bc1q4xwnullywullewuelewuulywulewuluhwuelwu.

30 bit code detects up to 4 errors in 71 characters (max addr len), or 5 “common substitution” errors.  Equivalent detection power to old 32-bit truncates SHA at 3.53 per address, for “common substitutions”, 4.85 per address.  At 2.4% error rate, we’d expect one per P2WPKH address, and we’d need 5 or more to risk an error being accepted, which happens about 1 in 2^39.  But the BCH constants were chosen so that single-bit errors are detected up to 5 in 71 characters, and encoding such that q/p r/t z/2 e/a s/5 4/h y/v x/k etc are 1 bit apart.  This means for common substitutions, we need 6 errors to risk it passing, which happens about 1 in 2^42.


Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees are a general concept: when bitcoin developers talk about it, they’re talking about reworking bitcoin scripts into a series of “OR” branches, and instead of the output committing to the whole script, you commit to the head of the tree.  To spend it, you only need to provide the branch of the script you’re using, and the hashes of the other branches.  This can improve privacy, and also shrink the total size of large scripts, particularly if there’s a short, common case, and a long, complex rare case.  Note that each key is 33 bytes and each signature about 72 bytes, and each merkle branch only 32 bytes.

Johnson Lau’s proposal (BIP 114) is that basically v1 segregated witness scripts would be MAST.  A MAST version is added underneath that, for future expansion.  The only non-triviality is that the script can be divided into multiple parts, and hashed into the tree as H(H(part1)|H(part2)|H(part3)…).  This is to enable hidden clauses in a safe way: if two parties are signing the transaction, one might want to append more conditions to its branch, and can just provide the hash to the other party.

Mark Friedenbach’s proposal is in two parts.  BIP 116 proposes a new MERKLEBRANCHVERIFY op, allowing efficient checking that a stack element is inside a merkle tree.  This is a new form of optimized merkle tree.

BIP 117 adds the semantic that extra elements on the stack at the end execution are actually a script (or number of scripts to be pasted together) which should be executed.  This means a MAST script would use MERKLEBRANCHVERIFY to check that the handed-in blob was in the tree, then leave it on the stack for execution.  This is quite neat. However, in its presented form, it’s not statically analyzable, nor does it enforce opcode or signature op limits. And unfortunately, you can’t have extra values on the stack in segwit v0, so the proposal  allows use of the rarely-used altstack as well.



Greg Maxwell points out that MAST is often, if not always, a choice between a “normal” case which (with Signature Aggregation: see below) comes down to a pay-to-pubkey-hash, and a more complicated exceptional case.  Unfortunately, the existence of unused branches still distinguishes MAST spends from other simple payments.

Fortunately, Taproot shows it’s possible to have a MAST which looks like a normal P2WPKH.  This would probably be a new segwit version, so everything looks the same.  The new pay-to-pubkey hash would be spendable with a key (P) and signature as normal, but also spendable by a base key (C) and a script, where P = C + H(C | script).  This works because you must have deliberately derived P from C and the script: there’s no way to reverse this hash, so if P really was a normally-generated key, nobody can turn it into a script-style spend.

Bitcoin protocol – Signature aggregation (Schnorr signatures)

Bitcoin’s current secp256k1 ECDSA signature scheme is not optimal: if you want to sign a transaction with two keys, you need two signatures.  There’s a simpler signature system (sometimes called Schnorr signatures) which has nicer properties, unfortunately there’s no standard for such signatures.

Key aggregation: would allow N parties to cooperate to produce a new single key, which they could cooperate later to sign things with.  This saves space and increases privacy. Unfortunately, doing this naively is fraught: you can select one key to cancel out another.  The accepted solution to this is Bellare-Neven multisignatures.

Signature aggregation: one signature, for multiple keys.  Parties only need to come together to produce signature. This lets us have one signature for the entire transaction, even though each input is signed by a separate key; the new “OP_CHECKSIG” would always succeed, but stash the key somewhere.  These would all be validated against the aggregated signature at the end of the transaction processing.  This gives significant advantage to combining transactions, incentivizing coinjoin-style operations (which can be done trustlessly).

Batch validation: It turns out you can validate 1000 independent signatures aggregated faster than you can validate 1000 signatures separately, though it only tells you whether they’re all right or one of many is wrong.  But this is perfect for historic block validation, where we can check the entire set of transactions at once.

Bitcoin protocol – Scriptless Scripts

There’s a method for trustless exchange between separate blockchains called “atomic swaps” (Teir Nolan).  Alice agrees to trade 1 ABC for 1 of Bob’s XYZ; Alice provides a hash, and creates a ABC transaction which requires Bob’s sig and the preimage of that hash.  Now Bob creates an ABC transaction which requires Alice’s sig and the preimage of that hash.  Alice collects Bob’s XYZ output, revealing the preimage, and now Bob can collect Alice’s ABC.

(This same method is used to make Lightning network transactions atomic across multiple parties.  Also, timeouts are required above in case Alice or Bob flakes out).

With Schnorr Signatures, Andrew Poelstra shows that you don’t need preimages: we can set up transactions such that by Alice signing the transaction to collect Bob’s transaction, Bob can generate a signature to collect Alice’s transaction.  Not only does this save space, but these transactions are uncorrelatable, and look like any other payment.

Bitcoin protocol – Simplicity

“Simplicity is a typed, combinator-based, functional language without loops and recursion, designed to be used for crypto-currencies and blockchain applications. It aims to improve upon existing crypto-currency languages, such as Bitcoin Script and Ethereum’s EVM, while avoiding some of the problems they face. Simplicity comes with formal denotational semantics defined in Coq, a popular, general purpose software proof assistant. Simplicity also includes operational semantics that are defined with an abstract machine that we call the Bit Machine. The Bit Machine is used as a tool for measuring the computational space and time resources needed to evaluate Simplicity programs. Owing to its Turing incompleteness, Simplicity is amenable to static analysis that can be used to derive upper bounds on the computational resources needed, prior to execution. While Turing incomplete, Simplicity can express any finitary function, which we believe is enough to build useful “smart contracts” for blockchain applications.”

Bitcoin protocol – Covenants

Covenants are a general method of introspection of a transaction; a script can already check sequence number (OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY) and locktime number (OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY) in the spending transaction.  The initial Mosel, Eyal, Sirer paper suggested OP_CHECKOUTPUTVERIFY, to make sure the spender was in turn spending the funds in some way.  They used this to create a “Vault”, where coins can only be spent by a transaction which in turn can only be spent after a day, or with a separate emergency key.  The idea is that an attacker who compromises your private key (but not your emergency key!) gives you a day to stop them.

This was (almost accidentally) enabled in Blockstream’s Elements Alpha sidechain, which added OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK; Russell O’Connor used this to allow almost arbitrary properties of a transaction to be verified.  It builds the transaction on the stack, then checks that the signature you use to sign the transaction matches.  More realistically, Johnson Lau proposed a OP_PUSHTXDATA which can push several types of data from the current transaction onto the stack.  This is only possible with a new version of the Segwit Script (currently only version 0 is defined), as backwards compatible opcodes must not alter the stack.

Bitcoin protocol – Confidential Transactions

Confidential Transactions are a cryptographic method of concealing the amount of an output, but in such a way that everyone can see that the outputs – inputs – fee is equal to zero.  This avoids many of the simpler approaches to blockchain analytics which compromise privacy.  Unfortunately, this has never been proposed for inclusion into bitcoin because of the size of the values: about 2.5k each!  They are also fairly slow to validate (14/10ms)

A more recent paper by Bunz et. al. called “bullet proofs” drops this significantly: they’re about 4ms to check, and scale up super-linearly if you batch them.  More importantly, they’re only 674 bytes each (for a 64-bit range proof, which is actually more than we need), but can be combined across a transaction in an Nlog(N) manner: 2 outputs is only 738 bytes, 8 is 866 bytes.

Note that a normal signature takes only 0.084 msec to validate, so there’s still a significant performance hit.  But further refinements may bring this into the realm of possibility; whether the bitcoin community wants to use some of its precious limited block size for this remains to be seen though.

Bitcoin protocol – Client-side validation

This is more handwaving than most things on the list, in that there’s a ton of work to make incentives correct.  But the base idea is to consider any sufficiently-POW block to be valid, and have the spender provide a proof that the chain of coins they’re relying on is correct.  This shifts the burden, but potentially allows sharding and other mining scale.  Having such multi-megabyte proofs is burdensome, so probabilistic techniques could be used (say, using the blockchain itself as a beacon) to ensure that cheating is unprofitable.

Bitcoin protocol – UTXO commitments

There’s a very old idea in bitcoin, that each block should commit not just to the transactions within it, but the full set of unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs).  This allows several improvements:

  • You can provide a merkle proof that an output is unspent, not just that it exists.
  • Similarly, if the tree is ordered canonically, you can prove that it *has* been spent by proving the two adjacent UTXOs where this UTXO would be found.
  • You can just download a utxo set from somewhere, and check using the latest block that it’s valid (or, say, 1000 blocks back, depending on how certain you want to be).

This general approach is difficult, however: the utxo set is large and growing, and requiring nodes to validate it is a significant burden: once committed to, the format will be permanent, so it requires careful design.

A naive approach of simply using a merkle tree ordered by txid would be horrible to update; much more expensive than block validation today; there are over 60M unspent outputs.  Ordering by block order would be nicer to add, but doesn’t help to remove and requires double-proofs.

Bram Cohen presented an efficient design of Merkle Patricia Tries, which involves multiple clever design choices, but is non-trivial.  The exact numbers for a full implementation are still unknown for current UTXO sizes (his implementation is in Python).

Bitcoin protocol UTXO Proofs

UTXO sets even allow a kind of inversion, where wallets provide proofs that their transaction inputs are in the utxo set, and miners just validate those and update their utxo set accordingly.  This shifts the burden of UTXO management from the miners to the wallets.  Hybrid schemes (where this only applied to older UTXOs) are also possible.

TXO commitments

Peter Todd suggests a delayed commitment, with a full TXO set current for some N blocks back, and a “update” set of spent STXOs since then.  This works as the canonical set is not latency critical because you have N blocks to generate it, and the STXO set is small (in the tens of thousands, depending on N).  Nodes only need a handful of “peaks” in the TXO tree so they can append to it; to spend an input from the old set (TXO set) you’d need to provide a proof that it was in the set, which also gives enough information to mark the TXO spent in the set.  This proof would be under 1k at the moment (26-deep tree, 32 byte hashes, plus the tx outpoint and script), but that would still a significant tx size increase, trading off per-tx-bandwidth for per-utxo-storage.  Unfortunately, this means the wallet needs to track what’s happening to update its proofs of position.

Bitcoin protocol – Fraud proofs

The original Satoshi paper suggested lite nodes which only kept the 80-byte bitcoin headers “accept alerts from network nodes when they detect an invalid block, prompting the user’s software to download the full block and alerted transactions to confirm the inconsistency.”.  Unfortunately, that’s both open to abuse which forces them to validate every block, and insufficient, since a block cannot be validated in isolation.

Ideally we could compactly prove every possible violation in a block.  You can compactly prove any transaction in the block, using merkle proofs, but not all of violations are similarly provable.  You can prove “that input has already been spent” by providing the previous transaction which spent it. If each transaction input commits to where the output was in the blockchain, you can also prove “that input doesn’t exist”, otherwise you can use  UTXO commitments.

Voor meer informatie:

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